F+E smarte Textilien für Medizin, materialtechnische Verbindungen von Textil und Elektronik

Innovationspreis Thüringen 2024Application portal open for the current competition year

New products, processes and services that have been developed predominantly in Thuringia can be submitted. These must not have been on the market for more than two years or must be about to be launched on the market.

Companies, research institutions, universities and individuals can apply at www.innovationspreis-thueringen.de until 30 June.

© Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum IlmenauFind out about the opportunities of AI for your company at 11 event dates - free of charge

Entrepreneurs have high hopes for future developments in artificial intelligence, but often don't know how best to get started with the topic or tackle further AI projects. Get know-how from experts at the event series "AI Spring 2024: Prerequisites, implementation and application of artificial intelligence for SMEs".

INCONTEXTNetwork managers work together to bundle European initiatives

Daniela Zavec, new manager of SmartTex network since 2023, is working group leader PPE in European network CONTEXT. Klaus Richter, former network manager worked actively in the automotive and aerospace working group. Both were in Italy on March 23 and 24 to help organize the final event of the project.

t crepeClose collaboration between students and smart textiles experts from companies

We participated in the Erasmus+ project to develop an innovative web-based platform. The core of the project is to support co-creation-based learning (a design-based learning methodology) with a special focus on entrepreneurship. In T-CREPE co-creation cases, different student teams develop solutions for real problems from society or industry together with stakeholders.