From 8 to 10 September 2015 to Ghent / Flanders
The members of the network could SmartTex in this business trip in the textile region of Flanders finding new business and R & D partners. Smart textiles, smart fibers and technical textiles were the focus of company visits, seminars and meetings.
The world's largest consulting network Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) organized jointly with the SmartTex network this trip, organized the events in the company and the University of Ghent, took care of the arrival and the hotel.
Flanders is Europe's number 1 in the production of rugs and carpets and already second in the production of upholstery fabrics and mattress ticking. Good reasons to seek partners for business and R & D collaborations.
- With over 800 companies expect us one of the largest textile cluster in Europe
- Approximately 26,000 employees are employed in the textile industry
- Exports account for 78%
- The University of Gent has its own Department of Textile Science and smart textiles
- The Belgian center of excellence "Textil" is headquartered in Gent
In addition to the extensive program there was also plenty of space to make personal contacts. Also touristy Ghent was very attractive for the passengers: It is next to one of Bruges' Pearl of Flanders
Fact Sheet Company Travel "Smart Textiles" Gent Sep. 2015309.66 kB
An extract from the letter of the EU Info EEN Thuringia, Edition September October 2015 can be found here:
EU Info letter of EEN Thuringia, Edition September/October 2015518.47 kB
Link to Kanaal Z (Economic TV in Flanders) -TV appearance was broadcasted on 9/28/15: