Sensorische, aktorische, pneumatische smarte Textilien

save dateSymposium "Innovative material concepts as a turbo for smart textile developments"

The annual Smart Textiles Symposium took place in Jena on 10 December 2024. Experts from institutes and companies presented a wide range of new approaches for smart textiles and took part in the discussion. You can download the presentations as soon as they have been released by the author.



Smart Textiles Symposium 2024

Date: 10 December 2024,
Tuesday, 10:00 - 16:00

Location: Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien e.V.
Albert-Einstein-Straße 9, 07745 Jena


Each presentation will be followed by a 10-minute discussion on the topic.


Welcome and current information on network work

Dr. Daniela Zavec, Klaus Richter - SmartTex Network


Photonic research and material developments make textiles smart: energy, safety, sensor technology and cooling

Dr. Jonathan Plentz - Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology e.V., Jena

Self-sufficient energy sources are increasingly needed to enable smart textiles. The conversion of light or heat into electrical energy appears to be particularly suitable and environmentally friendly. One challenge is to flexibly design photovoltaic and thermoelectric elements for direct textile integration, which commercially available systems currently do not or only insufficiently fulfil.
The article presents ultra-thin functional layers with a thickness of less than 1 µm that can be applied directly to textiles and are suitable for photovoltaic and thermoelectric energy generation. With minor modifications, these layer systems can also be used for security applications or enable targeted cooling. Textile actuators seem possible ...

pdfLeibniz-IPHT_Plentz_SmartTextiles.pdf1.50 MB




Shape memory polymers: innovation driver for various industries

Dr. Thorsten Pretsch – Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP, Potsdam

Shape memory polymers are a class of smart materials. Among the shape memory polymers, thermoplastic polyurethanes are probably the best studied today. Thermoplastic polyurethanes can be synthesised with a wide variety of properties. The control of their material behaviour during temperature changes is ensured by a thermomechanical treatment also known as ‘programming’. The presentation provides insights into the synthesis, processing and programming of shape memory polymers and highlights promising technological developments that open up new design possibilities from an application perspective.

Presentation not authorised for publication


Development of smart textile systems using innovative braiding technology

Dr. Enrico Putzke - University of Applied Sciences Hof

In order to be able to react to the emerging changes caused by climate change, increasing UV exposure must be taken into account, particularly in the area of fruit, vegetable and berry plantations, and the harvest must be protected accordingly. Conventional protection systems are reaching their application limits, which must be overcome by new concepts, e.g. intelligent, self-regulating textile components or a hybrid design. In Germany, there is a clear trend in terms of sunshine duration (as an indicator of UV exposure). This is where the use of modified protective nets comes in, which can actively react to changing environmental conditions thanks to new materials in the yarn area. The yarns required for this are produced by adding additives during the manufacturing process (melt spinning) that exhibit photochromic or thermochromic behaviour at corresponding threshold values.


Lunch break


Innovative mobile heating technologies: from gloves to electric bicycles

Ron Jacob - ITP GmbH, Jena

This article discusses innovative heating technologies for various end applications. The focus is on the adaptability of the technology and the optimisation for different geometries and heating efficiencies. The challenge is to identify the everyday needs of the modern user of winter clothing and modern means of transport that require a seamless and fast supply of powerful batteries for operation. With innovative and flexible solutions, we fulfil the requirements for fast charging of electric bike batteries and thus extend their service life.

pdfITP_Jacob_akkutasche.pdf708.63 KB


Development of a sensor-based early warning system for monitoring diabetic foot syndrome

Lars Eschenburg - Osentec GmbH, Neubrandenburg

The presentation deals with an innovative product developed by osentec to significantly reduce the risk of complications in diabetic foot syndrome. The intelligent insoles are equipped with printed electronics that continuously measure parameters such as temperature and movement. The presentation will explain in detail the technological principles of how the sensors work and how they are integrated into the insoles. Data analysis and the early warning system, which recognises risk factors at an early stage and issues warnings, will also be discussed. Initial test results and practical application examples are presented to illustrate the clinical application and the results to date. Finally, further developments and new fields of application in the healthcare system will be highlighted.
The aim of the project is to improve the quality of life of people with diabetic foot syndrome through preventive measures and at the same time reduce healthcare costs.

pdfosentec_Eschenburg_sensorsohle.pdf1.00 MB


Textile actuator based on innovative polymer materials

Klaus Richter – richter + partner GmbH – Innovation and product development, Weimar

Innovative approaches are constantly being sought for the development of new functionalities with smart textiles. One of these approaches is the development of novel functional yarns. The presentation will explain how a yarn with actuator properties was developed using a special polymer material that is also used as a single-phase shape memory polymer in the plastics industry.
A thermal trigger can be used to reactivate a stretched yarn to return to its original length. This function can be used to realise various actuator applications in the temperature range from approx. 35 °C to 60 °C. The lecture will present initial test results on the yarn material developed. The aim is to provide suggestions for the development of innovative applications.


Coffee break


Seamless integration of electronics and sensors for vital signs monitoring in clothing using inkjet technology

Maximilian Scherf – Profactor GmbH, Austria

The increasing ageing of the population poses growing challenges for Europe's healthcare systems, particularly with regard to the sustainability of social healthcare systems. The need for personalised care and technological solutions such as telemedicine and remote monitoring is constantly increasing.
As part of the TEXhype project, an innovative, textile-based belt was developed that enables the continuous monitoring of vital functions by integrating several sensor islands. The work presented focusses on the production of the wearable monitoring belt through a combination of double-sided embroidery for electrical connections, multi-material inkjet printing and a specially developed low-temperature bonding process.

Lecture cancelled


SmartINNO – an ERASMUS-Project 

Dr. Daniela Zavec – SmartTex Network, Weimar



Time for talks and networking

End of the event

All day


Parallel to the symposium, companies and institutes will present selected projects in an exhibition. (see below)


Registration deadline is 4 December 2024!

Register now »

10 December 2024, Thuesday, 10:00 - 16:00

Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien e.V.
Albert-Einstein-Straße 9, 07745 Jena

Exhibition opportunity

We are also offering companies and institutes the opportunity to present selected projects in an accompanying exhibition at our symposium on 10 December 2024.

If you are interested, please send an email in advance to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. As the exhibition space is limited, you should register as soon as possible. Tables for your prototypes and other exhibits will be provided.

Both the symposium and the presentation opportunity are free of charge.