Sensorische, aktorische, pneumatische smarte Textilien

save date for international smart textiles conference in Sept 2022From September 21 - 23, 2022, experts from all over the world will meet at the congress centrum weimarhalle

The international conference on new technological developments and fields of application for smart textiles was scheduled to take place as early as 2020, but had to be postponed several times due to the pandemic. The focus of the event in fall 2022 will be on solutions for automotive, aeronautics and personal protective equipment.

There will also be workshops on practical applications and, of course, plenty of opportunities to make international contacts. Please make a note of the date. As soon as the program is ready and all speakers have confirmed their participation, you will find all information at

The EEN is also organizing a Smart & Technical Textiles matchmaking event. The special thing about this is that the portal will already be opened at techtextil Frankfurt and will remain online until InMotion2022. So you can initiate contacts online in the long term and meet online and on site in Weimar.
pdfEEN-Matchmaking Techtextil 2022 + InMotion2022.pdf422.53 kB

In addition, a cultural supporting program is planned in the classic city of Weimar with a guided city walk and a tour of the Bauhaus Museum, which will open in 2019.